
color measuring instrument

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color measuring instrument为短语/超纲词汇
1. Everything is the color of gray.

2. But can we blame those who looked and failed to see what Galileo saw, if we remember that to use a telescope at the limit of its powers calls for long experience and intimate familiarity with one´s instrument?

3. By measuring how closely current populations are related, the authors trace the routes by which early humans migrated around the earth.

4. Because Australia's native people and black Africans share such superficial characteristics as skin color and body shape, they were widely assumed to be closely related.

5. We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord.

6. We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord.

7. When the instrument is situated at more than 700 miles from the earthquake centre,

8. We have an old musical instrument.

9. The color of a person´s hair is often predetermined by that of his parents.

10. The ideal to be aimed at was to devise an instrument that could record with a pen on paper, the movements of the ground or of the table as the quake passed by.
